Ursula Gullow Art Show

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

November 9th – January 8th
Artist Reception is Friday November 9th 7pm – 10 pm

Gullow’s newest series of paintings is based on photographs taken of her and her five siblings during the mid 70’s. KIN is a personal exploration of the intersection between memory and documentation. The creation of each painting is the materialization of shadowy recollections merging graphite, acrylic and oil mediums, and many are larger than life-size.

For “KIN” Gullow will also install a collection of used artist palettes amassed over the last year. Says Gullow, “Just as my used palettes evidence activity of paint-mixing that I hardly remember, my paintings are evidence of a time I barely remember, but was, indisputably, a part of.

Ursula Gullow is a visual artist who has been investigating the potency and limitations of paint for nearly 12 years. Known primarily for her narrative paintings, Gullow frequently challenges traditional structures of painting by incorporating installation and interactive elements in her work which one critic describes as “folksy, epic and quietly revolutionary.”


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