Tom Pazderka Art Show

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Tom Pazderka (b. 1981) is a Czech born conceptual artist, painter, sculptor and musician. His work focuses on suppressed and idiosyncratic aspects of Western culture, particularly the American culture he adopted upon immigrating to the US eighteen years ago. Tom began drawing at the side of his maternal grandmother in the Soviet housing blocks of his childhood village outside Prague. His first art exhibition was in a group show in New York City in 1994, shortly after his arrival in the U.S. His work has been exhibited in a number of galleries and museums since then. In 2011, one of his pieces hanged alongside such greats as Kenneth Noland, Helen Frankenthaler, Hans Hoffman and Pat Passlof. He lives and works in Asheville, North Carolina.

Reception will be from 7-10. Music by Shane Perlowin at 7:30. Beverages graciously provided by Foothills Brewery.


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